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Cape Verde Lawyers

With offices in Praia

This is a list of lawyers in Praia provided by the British consulate in Mindelo. Antonio Canuto who used to work for Shell can sometimes be contacted there for general advice. Unfortunately many of the lawyers speak only rudimentary English. It is essential to visit their offices if you wish to have any meaningful conversation and to ensure that you will obtain an Escritura. They mostly require advance appointments.

David Hopffer Almada Tel.: 00 238 262 3100/02

Raquel Spencer Medina Tel.: 00 238 261 3715
(also works in Espargos on Sal where a colleague can speak English)

Mario Jorge Menezes Mobile (expensive number in Portugal): 00 351 961854076

Belarmino Lucas Tel.: 00 238 230 0038

Carlos Veiga Tel.:00 238 260 3670

Maria Joao Novais Tel: 00 238 616 919
Rua Cesario Lacerda, 23 - 2°, P.O. Box 87/C Praia

Miranda Correia Amendoeira & Associados
(large commercial firm based in Lisbon)