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Zulu and Oscar
OscarTango and ZuluOscar and MariaTango and Brava

L to R Tango, Oscar, Brava and Zulu

4 puppies escape death in a Savage Place

Abandoned, starving and thirsty:threatened by a German with a carving knife.

An Englishwoman reported that two newly-born puppies were trying to survive in the harsh and hostile environment of Murdeira Resort, Sal Island, Cape Verde.

When we went to look for them, we found that there were three, tiny puppies, obviously starving and just days away from death.

We went back with a bowl of water and some milk with bread, as they looked far too weak to eat normal dog food. We were confronted by an old German , carrying a large carving knife. He looked like a Prussian, with close-cropped grey hair and a hostile look. He told us that it was Ferboten to feed dogs within the complex of Murdeira.

He was busy trying to block up holes in the outer fence, obviously unaware that the puppies were already inside. He threatened to report us to the chief dog executioner of Murdeira. We laughed and asked him what the dogs had done wrong.

He complained that they had poohed in the communal flower beds. However, the dogs were so starved that the size of their pooh was roughly that of a finger-nail. We pointed out to him that the dogs were not Yude and that the Holocaust was over. He departed with his large knife, refusing to divulge his name.

Clearly the dogs would not survive long under the twin threats of the Prussian with the knife and the Chief Dog Executioner who lived just a few blocks away.

So with the help of Tony, an American from New Bedford, Mass, whose family was originally from the island of Brava in Cape Verde, we managed to collect the puppies. By this time there were four, as they had been succesful in hiding from us as well as other humans apart from the Englishwoman and the Prussian.

The puppies were so terrified of humans that every one of them urinated, defecated or bit on being picked up. We took them to our garage area, which has the advantage of a lockable outer door and an inner door that opens into a courtyard, Maria, herself only about six motns old, acted as a surrogate mother.

For over a month we fed them seperately, as the stronger would try to take the food of the weaker. We mopped up pee and pooh. We found out that two sufferred from different types of worms. The local vet, Fatima felt that they had probably been infected, through their mother`s milk.

We called the weakest one Brava, after Tony`s island and the only male Oscar. Tango is black and white and Zulu is the largest, black female. With the help of Niki, Patrizia and Tony from SOS Cats and Dogs we found new owners in Palmeria, for all of them. We regarded this as a miracle. All the dogs appear as content and healthy as can be expected - we suspect that some again have worms. Oscar who had overcome his fear was frightened of us when we met again until we spoke his name. Brava has already had puppies, one of which has been killed by having its head bashed in with rocks.



